Loser in life's love
I feel, some of the tastes and preferences that I have had as a kid are very original and therefore precious as they were formed without any measure of external standard of what is generally accepted. It is as if, in a world full of stimuli I was almost drawn to very few images, things and people intuitively. Of some of such likings that I have had from a very small age are the face of Jiddu Krishnamurti, visuals of Vamsi's movies and therefore inseparably Illayaraja's music.
As a kid and sometimes even now, I often feel a terrible sense of urgency. It is as if my thoughts have a tough time catching up with what I feel, let alone being able to express verbally. Perhaps Vamsi's visuals in his movies, have met my excitement and urgency in such a way that I often wonder what would have been my plight if someone in this world never resonated with my depth of excitement. It is no exaggeration that I find it hard to imagine how my life would have been without Vamsi's movies or Illayaraja's music.
I remember watching 'సుమం ప్రతిసుమం' in Chitralahari. I am not sure if I have felt that kind of surge of
excitement or thrill in my day to day life, had it not been for that song, which gave me a road map of how such a feeling might actually experience. The indications came to me many times and many years later where my humming of the song coincided with moments of thrill and excitement in my own life.
Perhaps, it is only Vamsi who can depict travel of 'ego' that otherwise takes a lifetime in a few beautifully crafted scenes where 'మహర్షి' goes through layers of heartache filled with insult, anger, liking, union, devotion and the journey of ego through these routes to the final destination of love. I am almost certain that my understanding of what love 'may be' has powerfully germinated here, albeit being fragmentary. Who else, If not for him, can make a so called loser in life's love (love's life) look aspiring. I would rather have one 'మాట రాని మౌనం' sum up all my life disappointments and hurts if that is how desirable they will feel.
I can understand a kid of 12 getting inspired by 'సాహసం నా పధం' but if the song can inspire me in my mid-thirties, I reckon it is either, that the song is compelling good or, I must have deliberately remained a child, refusing to outgrow that song.
The wedding scene in 'ఏప్రిల్ 1st విడుదల', where Vamsi takes the scene to whole new level so creatively yet so simply, where the bride effortlessly takes charge of the whole ceremony. I am not a big fan of wedding celebrations, but if a wedding is so beautifully taken as if to set an augur to an upcoming marriage, I would cut all the frills and settle for this.
The scene in 'చెట్టు కింద ప్లీడర్'' where Vamsi shows a surge of happiness superbly depicted with a mere two hands and amateurish hand made bunch of flowers. What an extraordinary way to light up moments of life.
When people say nothing can match the speed of light, that sounds incomprehensible to me given my abysmal knowledge and understanding of physics. I incurably shout in my head, NO! my thoughts and feelings can !! and so can his song 'జిలిబిలి పలుకుల'. It is as if, the whole world's beauty has just spun in front of me at an unimaginable speed and has washed me away with it.
My life would have felt so ordinary had it not been for Vamsi's visuals and Illayaraja's music as a background to my life's moments. In a deep sea full of feelings, where the emotions are not only continuous but also confusing often one encroaching another, Vamsi's imagination and Illayaraja's music stand like a guiding spirits kindling and etching out the most imminent ones to surface. I am still not sure if my imagination was prompted by his visuals or the visuals were matching my imaginative abilities. To be honest, I would like it to be unresolved.
--- 'మెట్టా'

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